Thursday, March 19, 2009

Top Ten, Part Five

I'm sure the final two ways to stop wasting time isn't coming as a shock...

2. Organize!
Take the time to put away something after you use it. I am HORRIBLE at this. Since my mom isn't around to yell at me to clean my room it sometimes looks like a volcano has erupted. Being in a messy environment makes your day go by more and more stressful. You don't know where to find your stuff that you need, and at least for me I am distracted by all the things to look at in the mess. If you took a few minutes each day to clean up your surroundings, in the long run you will be able to focus better and waste less time not being productive.


I'm sure this came as no surprise to anyone. Facebook is sucking up so much time of people's days, especially college students. I guerantee while reading this someone has another window open to Facebook, or just visited the site, or plan to after reading. I for one just wasted a pointless 10 minutes that i'll never be able to get back just looking at different things on Facebook. Students should try to limit their time spent on Facebook, or other sites much like it and save it for after they've done their homework. There will be more to look at after an elapsed time, and you will have more time to relax after getting all homework done! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Top Ten, Part Four

3. Find Places to Study
In the small rooms that the majority of college students live in, there is certainly an issue regarding finding your own sense of personal space. After sitting in class in a desk all day, some students would rather be anywhere else but sitting in another desk chair. With this in mind, a lot of students resort to laying in their bed while trying to study. Although laying in bed is obviously extremely comfortable, research has been done to show that this makes students have trouble falling asleep when it's actually time to be in bed. This wastes more and more time everyday, which if students could find other places to study, their chances to fall asleep faster would be much higher. Some studies also say that it's just important to find somewhere comfortable to study. 

4. Learn to Say No
As students, we feel a sense of freedom and are pushing ourselves to the limit. Whether we are talking about outside influences or schoolwork, most students are always wanted to do their best. We join and extra club, say we'll help someone with their homework, we're constantly saying yes and trying to push past our potential. It might be beneficial to cut back on a few activities to leave more time for yourself and time to get your work done! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top Ten, Part 3

If any student is out there tracking this, and you did not spend time outside today, seriously, you need to go get a breath of the wonderful spring air that is among us! Other than that...

5. Pay Attention In Class
This may sound simple, but we are there for a reason. I am the first person to be constantly checking the clock, but it's just like waiting for water to boil, it will happen when you aren't looking. We are in class for a set number of hours a week, and if students would be able to pay better attention, they would waste less time out of class trying to understand what was being taught while they were doodling. There are also tips to help you stay attentive during class. Although this may seem like the simplest time to save time, every minute counts!

6. Eat Breakfast!
When you're younger, you're always told that breakfast is the most important part of the day, we listened to them then, and somehow as soon as we move onto college, it seems to be history for some students. Eating breakfast still has many benefits, especially for college students. It not only gets your metabolism started, but helps to wake you up and prepare you for the rest of the day. It has also been proven to help improve concentration, so by doing this step, it can help you in other areas! 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Top Ten, Part 2

7. Ask for Help when You need it
A lot of students, especially freshman, come to school thinking this is finally their break for independence and that they can do anything alone. Some students waste a lot of time looking at homework they think they understand because they are too stubborn to ask for help. That's why teachers and tutors are there! You'll save time by getting the answer quicker. Just remember, asking for help is smart not stupid. 

8. Plan in Advance 
Making lists and keeping a schedule helps many students stay on track. They will know when they need to do certain things, and if they plan in advance this can help with double-booking which leaves to more stressful situations. Also, making to-do lists is a good organizational skill to have which also might lead to good skills to have in a work-place environment.  Making lists isn't time consuming to say the least. I have found it effective to just add to a list if it's sitting next to my desk. If students get side-tracked while working on homework and remember something they have to do- it's right there at your fingertips! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Top Ten, Part 1

I have been completely negligent to my lovely blog lately, first because I am having a hard time not talking about my own life in it, which apparently I'm not allowed to do, and finding more inspiration for things to write. While on spring break I am having a lot of free time that makes me wonder why college students are over-stressed and never seem to have time for anything. I've been thinking and researching on different tips and advice for time and life management for specifically college students on how to better our well-beings, so for the next few days I've decided to expand on this slice of life  on how we can make our day go by easier by a list of 10 ten best things to do. 

9. Monitor what TV your watching:
I am just as bad as anyone with having a set TV schedule on what television shows play on what nights. Sometimes having a show at 9 p.m. to look forward too is proven effective as motivation to get all homework done before so there's time to relax. But what about wasting the commercial time?    Commercials are often talked about that media deeply influences human, and on average by the age of 65 an average person has seen 2 million commercials.  At 30 seconds a pop, that's around 2 years of your life spent watching commercials verses getting other things done. If college students know what time their favorite shows are on, and they pre-recorded it to fast forward commercials they would save about 20 minutes on an hour long show and 10 minutes on a half-hour show that they could use getting other things done and not pointlessly waiting. 

10. Take a Breath of Fresh Air- Most college students spend most of their time cooped up into a tiny dorm room, or in stuffy class rooms and only spend the time coming and going from class, dinner, etc outside. Now that it's getting warmer there's no excuse for not being able to go outside for an extra few minutes each day to cleanse their minds. A few minutes to relax and feel a breeze could be a lot more effective than a 15 minute nap-and it'll wake you up too!