Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Not Good Enough Samaritan

I was taking a break for studying for midterms today while I ran across an interesting article. I passed up the 1.5 million year old human footprint news story to Injured Good Samaritan Ticketed for Jaywalking 

I read the story about the 58 year old bus driver named Jim Moffett who along with the assistance of another passenger left his bus to help two elderly women cross the street. A pick up truck speed up and before it hit him, Moffett pushed the two elderly women to safety-saving their lives.

When Moffett woke up in a hotel room, he had awoken to the bad news that he suffered from bleeding in the brain, broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and a possible ruptured spleen. If this wasn't bad enough, he had received a ticket for jawalking.

Apparently his samaritan deed was not good enough for some people. 

1 comment:

  1. The brave and selfless act of this man should be celabrated not punished!

    Police officer sometimes let their athority go the their head and suffer from the belief that they are superior to the rest of us. Obviously this is one of those cases. I believe that if they are not on the police force to help people than they should be kicked off. I certainly want my protectors to be people who care about me. This is so rediculous!
