Saturday, April 18, 2009


It was no surprise for me to find out that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was the largest animal rights group in the world. PETA has over 2 million members world-wide, and are well known by their slogan, "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment".

Unlike most other non-profit organizations, PETA is very well-known for their variety of protests they partake in.  PETA also tries to spread their message through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, special events, and celebrity involvements. 

PETA began in 1981 and began with discovering a case trying to protect monkey's in hopes to stop or decrease animal testing in laboratories. 

PETA has expanded it's ways of advertising and spreading the word about their cause and now advertise through many media forms such as billboards, print ads, radio/TV advertising, and web banners. 

This company appeals to viewers sense of altruism, and concern for others. PETA has conducted more than 300 investigations based on exposing and stopping animal abuse and cruelty. 

Although PETA has many supporters, and then also haters, they are keeping their heads held high for the future: "But no matter what, we simply don’t give up—a compassionate world for animals is worth fighting for."

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